
These are the rules of the PKB Clan. You must agree to these rules in order to join the clan. Abide by these rules or be dealt with.

1. All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the rules that follow. Failure to do so may result in your being denied of certain rights.

2. Cable/DSL or better required.

3. Keep the foul lanuage to a minimum. We all slip! =)

4. Respect others as you want them to respect you. If you are given trouble by another member, let one of the leaders know and we will handle it.

5. Play as much as you can, but remember, School > Games!

6. Be there for your team. Always do what you can to help your fellow clan members out when possible.

7. Promotions are earned. Not given.

8. Cheating of any kind will result in an immediate discharged from the clan. We do not tolerate cheating. You will be caught.

9. Always wear your tags. Be proud to be in the clan that you are. Be glad you’ve been given the chance to wear the PKB clan tags.


1. Rcon can only be given to a member by one person…Salamies.

2. Rcon is a privilege, not a right.

3. Respect others when using rcon.

4. Do not give the rcon password to anyone. Keep it to yourself.